Hungry? 🍴
Lunch V.8
We offer food inspired by Swedish classics and make our meals in-house with Swedish ingredients. Our menu changes regularly, though we always serve our signature dish:
Order today’s lunch or this week’s vegetarian special as take-away for just 100 SEK! Perfect for a quick, delicious, and affordable meal – call and order now!
Oxpytt-i-panna 135:-
rödbetor & stekt ägg
Tempurainbakad torskfilé 135:-
potatispuré, gröna ärtor, citron & remouladesås
Viltgryta 135:-
ris & creme fraiche
Rostat kycklingbröst 135:-
rostad potatis & grönpepparsås
Pannbiff 135:-
potatispuré, gräddsås, inlagd gurka & lingon
This week's vegetarian special
Bakad spetskål 135:-
picklad kålrot, senapsvinägrett & rostad mandel
A la carté
Köttbullar 240:-
Potatispuré, gräddsås, lingon & inlagd gurka. (Meatballs with potato purée, creamy sauce, lingonberries, and pickled cucumber! )🍽️🍴
Bakad hälleflundra 300:-
Kokt potatis, sparris & sanefjordsås. (Baked halibut with boiled potatoes, asparagus, and Sanefjord sauce!) 🐟🥔✨